Our Mission is to end Military Suicides

Trauma and Resiliency Resources, Inc. (TRR) assists military veterans and first responders challenged by service-related and line-of-duty traumatic experiences. We do this by connecting them with trauma-related resources, including therapists with advanced training in this area. TRR’s Warrior Camp® program, specifically for active military and combat Veterans of all eras, is designed to heal the trauma of war and Military Moral Injury©, prevent suicide, enhance resilience and support force preservation.

Our services include:

  • Multi-faceted trauma intervention and on-going support services to individuals who have experienced severe stress or trauma as a result of line of duty responsibilities, including, but not limited to: uniformed and non-uniformed workers who responded to the World Trade Center attacks, military service personnel returning from duty, uniformed workers responding to emergencies in the routine execution of their job responsibilities, and the families of all of the above;
  • Outreach, information and resources to impacted individuals and their families;
  • Information and guidance to clinicians working with these individuals;
  • Referrals to follow-up services when necessary. TRR is dedicated to assisting traumatized individuals connect with trauma-related resources, including therapists with advanced training in this area.

About Trr

Warriors and First Responders put their lives on the line every day in service to their country, whether on the home front or in a combat zone. They do this willingly. They do not expect to be internally disturbed in the process, yet, this often occurs, and then it is time for us to serve them.

That time is now.

Active duty suicides have outpaced deaths in combat and are now happening at the rate of one per day. Veteran suicides are occurring at the rate of 22 per day. TRR is dedicated to helping those who have been to war truly come home.

Organizational History

Incorporated in 2005, Trauma and Resiliency Resources, Inc. (TRR) is dedicated to assisting traumatized individuals, especially those impacted by line of duty responsibilities, connect with trauma resources including therapists with advanced training in treating first responder and warrior trauma. TRR* was born out of its Founder’s work with uniformed and non-uniformed New York City First Responders in the aftermath of the events of September 11, 2001.

501(c)(3) public charity status was awarded in 2006. TRR’s first website was designed by a retired firefighter so that trauma-related resources could be made available to members of FDNY, NYPD and PAPD (Port Authority Police Department of New York/New Jersey) and their families.

With the onset of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, these resources were expanded to Military Personnel – Active Duty and Veterans, and all their families. Because we have no paid staff more than 90% of all donations go directly to Warrior Camp® programs. The remaining 10% pays for operational costs such as website hosting/ maintenance, grant writing/program development, and fundraising.

Trauma is Treatable

Based on extensive experience we know that warriors and first responders believe they are supposed to “suck it up” and “get over” traumatic experiences on their own. This is usually reinforced by their departments or branch of service. As traumatized individuals try to handle their difficulties on their own, years go by. When they finally do seek professional help, or are mandated to get help, it is often very late. Their symptoms have become chronic and complicated by the use of drugs and alcohol in a typical, but largely unsuccessful, effort to reduce symptom severity.

Research-based treatment

Traumatic stress has been heavily research funded in recent years, and we now know much more about what actually happens to individuals during a traumatic experience. Some of the specific brain processes involved in the formation of symptoms have been identified. This has lead to the development of treatment modalities that are highly successful for many people as long as the treatments are provided by therapists who are trained and/or certified in their use, and are sufficiently educated about working with trauma survivors.

Those of us who work with traumatized individuals know that recent traumas are often fueled or exacerbated by traumatic experiences from childhood that at the time were probably unrecognized as such. Good trauma treatment can address these issues when necessary, and if that is what the individual wants.

Combat Trauma:


Untreated Combat Trauma increases the risk of suicide. Don’t wait until it is too late – help is ALWAYS available. While it is true that most people exposed to traumatic events get over this experience on their own, when people are very close to what happened, physically and psychologically, the effects can be more long lasting, ESPECIALLY when they have been exposed, repeatedly, to multiple traumatic events without time to rest, as occurs down range.

Being in a continuous state of hyper arousal makes it very difficult, because of brain chemistry, for these disturbing thoughts and feelings to recede. If this is YOU – and you think what you are experiencing is getting more severe, or your friends or family members are concerned about you, or you are self-medicating with alcohol or other substances, call one of the phone numbers listed on the Crisis Lines page to get some help – before things get worse!

If you are thinking about or worried about harming yourself or someone else call 911, or ask a supportive family member or friend for immediate help.

Combat Trauma
  • Anger
  • Rage
  • Guilt (over killing)
  • Guilt (over not doing enough/failing to save someone)
  • Betrayal (because of real or perceived command failure)
  • Grief, guilt over loss of fellow warriors
  • Combat-related flashbacks
  • Combat-related dissociation
  • Exaggerated startle response

Events most likely to result in Combat Trauma:

  • Being attacked or ambushed
  • Receiving incoming rocket or mortar fire
  • Being shot at
  • Being responsible for the death of an enemy combatant or civilian
  • Seeing or handling seriously injured fellow warriors or their remains
  • Being on “bagging” duty
  • Being on clean-up duty
  • Being injured
  • Being separated from ones unit

Principal causes of Combat Trauma:

  • Life-threat trauma
  • Traumatic loss
  • Military Moral Injury©

Behavioral manifestations of Combat Trauma:

  • Abuse of alcohol or other substances
  • Engaging in high-risk, potentially lethal activities
  • Misconduct
  • Domestic violence
  • Criminality
  • Suicide
Common symptoms of PTSD
  • Sleep difficulties and constant fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating, remembering, thinking, making decisions
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Withdrawal from social activities and friends
  • Problems at home
  • An increase in accidents
  • An increase in taking unnecessary risks
  • Physical complaints and medical illness or fear of medical illness
  • A significant increase in the use of alcohol and other substances
Military Moral Injury©
  • Difficulty connecting
  • Feelings of being unworthy
  • Feelings of not deserving contact
  • Intense shame or guilt
  • Self punishment
  • Suicidal ideation and attempts
Client's Rights
  • The right to ask questions about the qualifications and experience of your counselor/therapist.
  • The right to ask questions about any procedures used in treatment. If you wish, your counselor/therapist should be happy to discuss his/her usual procedures and philosophy of treatment
  • The right to refuse a particular treatment method. Your counselor/therapist may feel that a particular treatment method is essential to your therapy, and this must be resolved to your mutual satisfaction.
  • The right to ask your counselor/therapist to discuss your progress and future counseling plans with you at any time.
  • The right to have any testing results explained and discussed with you. You also have the right to refuse testing, but your counselor/therapist may feel that this is essential to your progress. This must be resolved to your mutual satisfaction.
  • The right to request referral to another counselor/therapist, or agency.
  • Discuss this with your counselor/therapist if you are comfortable doing so.
  • The right to terminate therapy at any time. Since termination is an important part of the therapy process, it will be helpful to you to inform your counselor/therapist that you wish to terminate and to discuss your reasons for doing so.
  • The right to be respected as a human being; to have your therapist convey this respect by keeping your appointments or letting you know ahead of time if a schedule change is necessary; by returning your phone calls; by giving his/her complete attention during sessions; and by providing you with the most effective therapy he/she can.
  • The right to ask questions about anything related to your treatment and to expect an honest discussion of your concerns.

(Adapted from the Washington State Dept. of Education)


Eva Usadi





Read Bio

Alejandra Lara

Equine Specialist


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Zach Usadi-


Warrior Camp®



Read Bio 

MAJ. David S.

Wood, Ph.D

Research Director

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Fred Tapia Jr.

Support Staff

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Alynn Schmitt


EMDR Referrals


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Eric Mitchell

Native American

Sweat Lodge


Erick Toribio



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Mary Coleman


Yoga Instructor

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Mario de la Cruz

Narrative Medicine


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Board of Directors

Barron Wester


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Eva Usadi


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John Kerby


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Meredith Anastasio

Development and Events

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June Hunt


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Nancy Heavilin

Social Media

and Publications

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Janina Fisher, Ph.D.

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Bessel van der

Kolk, MD

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Jason Foscolo

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Roger Solomon,


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Tony Zeoli

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Bob Raphael

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Robert W.


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Sharon Salzberg

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Farm Team

Jeff Newman

Operations Advisor

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Timothy Freitag


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John Blackburn


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Adam Lasek


James Vanruesel

Certified Financial Officer

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Boyu Shi

Sr. Financial Analyst

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Daniel Hubbel


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Charles Gottlieb


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David Everett


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James Vanreusel is the founder and CEO of Vanreusel Ventures, with 22 years of global financial experience. His background includes helping new companies grow and scale, creating a framework for financial success, and acting as a CFO for emerging organizations as they build a solid business foundation.

He began consulting in 2008, specializing in private equity and asset management, where he raised capital, built portfolios, and operated company models. From there, he transitioned to corporate investing. As a CFA Charterholder, he became CFO for SPBD, a microfinance network in the South Pacific. He used his global experience in finance to launch and operate multiple banks in Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, the Solomon Islands, and a holding company in Singapore. The company in Singapore saw 600% growth under his guidance.

In 2014 he founded his current business, Vanreusel Ventures, in San Francisco. At Vanreusel Ventures, he leads a team of CFO consultants and financial analysts who work with companies worldwide in profit and non-profit sectors. He manages alongside his team to help businesses through the initial stages of growth, where his strategies and support guide businesses towards success and eventual independence.

His strategy focuses on creating a framework that supports companies in their early years to go from $1 to $100 million in revenue. This process involves building scalable teams and systems that will grow along with the business. Many of his clients are global organizations where he can leverage his international experience to offer customized strategies that are also culturally relevant. Ultimately, he prepares businesses to take on their first full-time CFO.

Alex Betke is an attorney and registered lobbyist focusing his practice on Government Relations and Municipal Law, a unique combination of legal concentrations allowing him to meet clients’ needs at all levels of government and to provide innovative resolutions to a variety of legal challenges.

Alex enjoys considerable experience working with the Governor’s Office, the Legislature, state agencies, the Attorney General and the State Comptroller, along with New York’s federal government representatives. His clients range from major industry associations and fortune 500 companies to small businesses and not-for-profit organizations, with work encompassing all aspects of government relations, including legislation, procurement, appropriations and regulatory matters.

Previously, Alex was elected for eight years as the Town Supervisor of the Town of Coxsackie and served several terms as a councilman before holding that post. Based on his experience and exposure to the workings of local government, he established and grew a municipal practice, and continues to serve as general and special counsel to various municipalities.

Alex has been involved in New York State politics throughout his career, serving as an elected state committeeman for the New York State Democratic Party and working on several statewide campaigns. This experience, in addition to his professional work, contributes to and informs his approach to legal matters and increases his effectiveness in advancing client objectives.

Fred served as a combat medic in the U.S. Army from 1988-2009. He deployed multiple times to Iraq as well as to Germany, Korea, Australia, Alaska, Hawaii, East Timor, the United Arab Emirates and Japan. Fred has worked as a security officer and an EMT and is a certified scuba diver. He enjoys hiking, shooting, archery, and spending time with his son and grandson. He is an alumni of Warrior Camp who has volunteered as a support staff since 2015.

Justin Hamer first came to TRR as a Warrior Camp participant in 2019. Upon both witnessing and experiencing the powerful effects of the Warrior Camp program he knew he had to get involved. He has a bachelor’s degree in business, specializing in digital marketing and sales management. Justin spent 5 years serving on active duty with the Army’s 1st Armored Division. He deployed twice to Iraq between March of 2003 and January of 2006. He then spent 7 years in the South Dakota National Guard. In his time with the guard he completed the Army’s Total Army Instructor’s Course and Small Group Instruction Course. He used both his combat and training expertise to train soldiers from all over the country. Justin is a decorated combat veteran and is still dedicated to helping his fellow service members. He now lives in South Dakota with his wife and the 2 of their 6 children that are still at home.

Zach is a teacher, an EMT and an aspiring actor. He has served as a volunteer support staff member for our Warrior Camp program since 2015 and since October of 2019, Zach has served as the Program Director for Warrior Camp®. He lives with his wife and 3 fur babies in Albuquerque, NM


Is a retired Lieutenant from the Port Authority Police Department. He is a graduate of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, the Police Command College at the US Military Academy at West Point, the Homicide Fellows Program at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the NYPD Hostage Negotiation Training Program.

After the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, as part of the Special Operations Division/Emergency Service Unit, he commanded a Search, Rescue & Recovery Unit known as Recovery Team Romeo at Ground Zero in New York City for almost nine arduous months.

Is cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society (IMS) in Barre, Massachusetts. She has been a student of meditation since 1971, guiding meditation retreats worldwide since 1974. Sharon's latest book is the New York Times Best Seller, Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation: A 28-Day Program, published by Workman Publishing.

She is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post and is also the author of several other books including The Force of Kindness (2005), Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience (2002), and Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness (1995). For more information about Sharon, please visit: www.SharonSalzberg.com.

Is a clinical psychologist who specializes in trauma and grief. He is the director of Critical Incident Recovery Resources and co-director of Buffalo Center of Trauma and Loss. Dr. Solomon is on the Senior Faculty of the EMDR Institute and teaches EMDR internationally.

He is a consultant to the trauma programs of NASA, the U.S. Senate, several U.S. federal and state law enforcement agencies, and the Polizia di Stato in Rome, Italy. He has published 32 articles on EMDR, trauma, grief, critical incident stress, and police psychology.

Has been a practicing attorney in the State of New York since 2002. He is the founding partner of Jason Foscolo PLLC where he has provided legal services to farmers and food entrepreneurs since 2011. Jason is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps.

His time abroad gave him new insight and appreciation for the many different ways food can be produced and prepared. Separating honorably as a Captain in 2010, after five years of service, Jason pursued his passion for all things edible by attending the University of Arkansas School of Law LL.M. Program, receiving an advanced degree in agricultural and food law

Jason is a founding member of the Farmer Veteran Coalition and has been a key figure in helping to shape and guide the organization both developmentally as well as programmatically. His position as General Counsel to FVC is one that enables him to facilitate veterans who are farming, or want to farm, achieve their goals. Jason brings to TRR his considerable skills in business and organizational development, strategic planning and team building, as well as a determination and compassion for those who continue to inspire him.

Is an Instructor at the Trauma Center, an outpatient clinic and research center founded by Bessel van der Kolk. Known for her expertise as clinician and presenter, she is Assistant Director of the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute, past president of the New England Society for the Treatment of Trauma and Dissociation, an EMDR International Association Consultant, and former Instructor, Harvard Medical School.

Dr. Fisher has authored a number of articles on trauma treatment and lectures nationally and internationally on the integration of the neurobiological research and body-oriented psychotherapy into traditional therapeutic modalities.

Bob Raphael served in the United States Marine Corps from 1964 to 1972 completing two tours in Vietnam. He has had an active career in the Financial Sector through 1988.

At that time he switched over to the Social Services Not For Profit arena holding operational, financial and executive positions in several agencies serving special and marginalized populations including Persons Living With HIV/AIDS; Homeless Individuals; Substance and Alcohol Abusers and Veterans of all Eras. Positions that Bob has held over the years working with Veterans include: Deputy Director of the Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program; Program Director at Services for the UnderServed Homeless Veterans Reentry Program; Program Director of the Supportive Services for Veterans and Families at Samaritan Village; and Director of Veterans Services at Confide Counseling and Consultation Center. Bob is a lifetime member of Vietnam Veterans of America and is an active advocate on the Agent Orange Exposure issue. Bob is currently medically retired. He has been an advisor to TRR since 2011.

In 1984, he set up one of the first clinical/research centers in the US dedicated to study and treatment of traumatic stress in civilian populations, which has trained numerous researchers and clinicians specializing in the study and treatment of traumatic stress, and which has been continually funded to research the impact of traumatic stress and effective treatment interventions. He did the first studies on the effects of SSRIs on PTSD; was a member of the first neuroimaging team to investigate how trauma changes brain processes, and did the first research linking BPD and deliberate self-injury to trauma and neglect in early childhood.

Much of his research has focused on how trauma has a different impact at different stages of development, and that disruptions in care-giving systems have additional deleterious effects that need to be addressed for effective intervention. In order to promote a deeper understanding of the impact of childhood trauma and to foster the development and execution of effective treatment interventions, he initiated the process that led to the establishment of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), a Congressionally mandated initiative that now funds approximately 150 centers specializing in developing effective treatment interventions, and implementing them in a wide array of settings, from juvenile detention centers to tribal agencies, nationwide.

He has focused on studying treatments that stabilize physiology, increase executive functioning and help traumatized individuals to feel fully alert to the present. This has included an NIMH funded study on EMDR and NCCAM funded study of yoga, and, in recent years, the study of neurofeedback to investigate whether attentional and perceptual systems (and the neural tracks responsible for them) can be altered by changing EEG patterns.

His efforts resulted in the establishment of Trauma Center that consist of a well-trained clinical team specializing in the treatment of children and adults with histories of child maltreatment, that applies treatment models that are widely taught and implemented nationwide, a research lab that studies the effects of neurofeedback and MDMA on behavior, mood, and executive functioning, and numerous trainings nationwide to a variety of mental health professional, educators, parent groups, policy makers, and law enforcement personnel.

He is a member of the New York-Presbyterian Hospital Planned Giving Advisory Council and of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Professional Advisory Council, and is a former President and Trustee of the Board of Education of the East Williston, New York schools. Bob is also a former member of the Board of Directors of Project Enterprise.

CH (LTC) Barron Wester has served as an active duty Army Chaplain for over 18 years. He has ministered in a variety of contexts and units, including Infantry, Aviation, Signal, Stryker, and Garrison. CH Wester has worked as Battalion Chaplain, Brigade Chaplain, Brigade Chaplain Observer-Coach-Trainer, and Family Life Chaplain. He currently serves as Division Chaplain, 10th Mountain Division in Fort Drum, New York. CH Wester holds a B.S.Ed. in Middle Childhood Education from Georgia State University (1997), a M.Div. from Church of God Theological Seminary (2005), and a M.S. in Marriage and Family Therapy from Texas A&M – Central Texas (2016). He is ordained and endorsed by the Church of God (Cleveland, TN) and is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of Texas.

Erick Toribio served eight years in the U.S. Navy, 2001-2009. He was stationed at Marine Corps Air Station, Beaufort, South Carolina, with VFA-86 Squadron as a Plane Captain; during this time, he got deployed to Operation Enduring Freedom aboard USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT, CVN-71, 2001-2002; and Operation Iraqi Freedom aboard USS ENTERPRISE, CVN-65, 2003-2004.

In 2005, he was transferred to the National Naval Medical Center (NNMC), Bethesda, Maryland; he was attached to USNS COMFORT and in July of 2006, he got deployed to support CJMEDEX-06, a mass casualty training with the Canadian Royal Navy. During his time at the NNMC, he was selected to work for the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) to assist with the Sailor of the Year recognition week, NCO/MCPON Senior Enlisted Leadership Panel and MCPON change of office.

While in the Navy, he earned two Good Conduct Medals, two Navy and Marine Commendation Medals, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal.

Erick is a Chess Coach and has been volunteering teaching chess to inmates at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility since 2010.

Erick Toribio currently works at the Pentagon as Business Analyst. He lives with his wife and children in Maryland. He has worked with TRR since 2015 and is the voice on the phone when you call us.

Alynn Schmitt McManus, M.S.W. is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified EMDR therapist with over 30 years of direct clinical practice experience, 25 being in private practice as an adult trauma specialist. Graduating from the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis in 1984, Alynn was trained in EMDR in 1998 and certified in 2010.

In addition to being in the full-time private practice of psychotherapy, Alynn is the Co-Coordinator of the Greater St. Louis EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Program Trauma Recovery Network (TRN) which assists and provides EMDR assistance to the greater St. Louis area in times of community crisis.

Alynn has extensive experience working with adult clients and treating all forms of trauma and the symptoms of PTSD, with expertise in populations of First Responder trauma. Alynn has provided EMDR psychotherapy to TRR’s Warrior Camp beginning in July 2015.

Alynn is the daughter of a WWII Army veteran who served as an infantryman in the Pacific Theatre and who was awarded the Purple Heart and Bronze Star medals for his courageous service.

Alejandra offers eight years of experience as an Equine Specialist Professional. She is the founder, facilitator, and coordinator of the Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL) program at the National Ability Center in Park City, Utah, primarily offering Wounded Warrior Programs. In addition, she has received certificates through the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (PATH Intl.), as an Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning (ESMHL), EFLC Level One and Two through The Academy for Coaching with Horses. She is Certified as a Military Service Provider Equine Specialist through Eagala. Alejandra has presented at the No Barriers Summit, PATH Regional Conferences, Adapt to Achieve Conferences, and at the University of Utah College of Social Work. Alejandra is a lifelong horsewoman, and during her free time, she enjoys riding in the backcountry of Utah with her partner Jeff.

Dr. David Wood has research interests in resilience and behavioral health among military service members including those belonging to the National Guard and Reserve components. His primary civilian position is an assistant professor (visiting) at the School of Social Work at Brigham Young University where he currently teaches motivational interviewing, psychopathology and program evaluation in the masters of social work (MSW) program.

Dr. Wood is currently a uniformed service member for the Army National Guard. He supports the 19th Special Forces Group (Airborne) as the Group Clinical Psychologist with the rank of MAJ (O4). He maintains a small independent practice with emphasis on motivational interviewing and therapeutic assessment. Dr. Wood completed a pre-doctoral psychology internship at the Albuquerque VA Medical Center and the University New Mexico Health Science Center. He earned a Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Arizona State University and an M.S. in counseling psychology from Central Washington University. In his free time, he loves spending time with family reading, hiking, cycling, and motorcycling.

Eva J. Usadi, MA, BCD, CGP, founded Trauma and Resiliency Resources after having been intricately involved with the mental health response to the events of September 11, 2001. She specializes in the assessment and treatment of PTSD, Complex PTSD (attachment and developmental trauma), Combat Trauma and Moral Injury. In her private psychotherapy practice in Manhattan, she treats New York City firefighters, police officers, warriors, humanitarian aid workers as well as civilians. She provides a trauma course as part of a hostile environment training team for war correspondents and journalists.

She holds a Certificate in Traumatic Stress Studies from the Trauma Center in Boston, Mass. and is Certified in EMDR Therapy, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy®, Group Psychotherapy and Equine Assisted Psychotherapy with a Military Service Provider designation. In addition, she is trained as a Yoga Teacher and in Critical Incident Stress Management, Structural Family Therapy, and Mindfulness Meditation.

Ms. Usadi has taught courses and presented at numerous public conferences in the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe, highlighting the application of EAP to the treatment of combat trauma. She is the daughter of a World War II Veteran.

RADM (r) Martha Herb, EdD, LPC joined the TRR Board in October 2021.  She brings a unique perspective to the Board as a combat veteran, retired Navy Rear Admiral, and an EMDR and Trauma Certified Clinician. 

Herb served in the U.S. Navy for 39 years, holding command at every level. As a pioneer in Navy diving, she was one of the first three women officers to graduate from the prestigious Navy School of Diving and Salvage.  Selected as a Navy Flag Officer, she served in Afghanistan and then in postings on the staff of the Chief of Naval Operations staff and Commander Navy Installations Command.  She retired in 2018 as the 25th Director of the InterAmerican Defense College (IADC), an international, multi-lingual, graduate level institution focusing on security and defense in the Western Hemisphere. Her highest award is the US Defense Superior Service Medal.  Additionally, she has received other military awards and citations, including those from partner nations in the Western Hemisphere.

She has provided speaking engagements on matters related to security and defense; women’s issues in the workplace; stress and human performance; human performance and team building; women as pioneers; the 4 mindsets of excellence; and the brain and trauma.