Warrior Camp®

TRR’s Warrior Camp® is designed to prevent suicide. With a focus on Military Moral Injury as a core component of Combat Trauma, it supports force preservation and enhances resilience.

Military Moral Injury can be the consequence of having engaged in combat operations, necessary at the time, during which one’s ethics and one’s actions did not align. It is not a disorder. Yet, the spiritual or existential crisis that often arises from this internal conflict pushes many veterans to suicide.

TRR’s Warrior Camp® is committed to embracing our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coasties, reservists and guardsmen without further wounding them. We know that the way in which a trauma survivor is responded to and cared for in the aftermath of the trauma is, at times, more significant to their healing than the original event or events. Trauma rarely happens in isolation. With combat soldiers in particular, trauma happens in the context of a highly disciplined, cohesive, interdependent group. For this reason, healing needs to involve the acceptance of a group, not only of fellow soldiers, but also of civilians who are able to listen without judgment, bear witness, and ultimately shoulder some of the guilt and blame so that the warrior does not need to carry it alone.

The team creates an environment in which the trauma of war can be addressed. This week-long retreat is located in serene and secluded locations that foster the development of a close-knit community within which healing can occur. It includes a healthy balance of trauma therapy, relaxation and leisure activities.

Warrior Camp® is a 7-day residential program that integrates 5 therapy modalities in the context of community.  We eat all our meals together and lodge together. Group activities are Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, Yoga, Narrative Medicine and Native American Sweat Lodge. EMDR therapy is conducted one to one.  

This program is FREE for Combat Veterans of all eras, as well as Active Military and Reserve Components and is designated by Eagala as a Military Service Provider.

TRR does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, gender, sexual orientation or expression, age, national origin, disability or discharge status.

Please pre-register by filling out the form below. After confirming your pre-registration you will be redirected to schedule a telephone screening – click on the Schedule Now button to choose a date and a time. All scheduled appointments are EST. 

TRR’s Warrior Camp® programs are open to Active Duty, Guard, Reserves and Combat Veterans of ALL eras without regard to discharge status.

5 yellow stars


2 weeks ago today I met a horse for the first time. Not that I haven’t seen, been in close proximity to, or even hung out with numerous horses before; but this was the first time I let myself actually pay attention to them. I didn’t actually need to talk to them to learn what they had to teach me. They have a way letting you know what’s up and where you need to be really quick. If you had told me 15 days ago that the next day I would find myself believing that things could get better, I would have laughed at you. Best case scenario is that I’d smile, nod, and in my head ignored the rest of the conversation. What really happened, I believe, is that parts of me began to believe that healing was possible. Eva has created a one of a kind program that gives you no choice but to heal in one way or another. Between the brotherhood, the support staff being combat veterans/Warrior Camp alumni, the providers being the best of the best, and those giant living breathing reflections of ourselves, something really magical takes place. I have been far too close to the edge to not completely understand how so many veterans end up taking their own lives. Please, find a way to believe these reviews and attend a Warrior Camp. If one isn’t available soon then promise your loved ones that you’ll stick around until the next one. I’m not going to promise you unicorn farts and pixy dust, but I will guarantee that you will come out of it with a belief that things can be different. You’ll also know exactly what small steps every day you can take to make your life the best it can be. I can also guarantee that it won’t be easy, but it will be worth every tear.Warriors fight. That’s what we’re good at. Let Warrior Camp give you the tools to be victorious.

5 yellow stars


You were not born a monster man.
In the morning I would cuss my shaking hand.
My wife and children walked on an eggshell
My inner world was a living hell.
The best thing I ever did was try to take my life.
My addiction cut my soul like a dull knife. control your temper slow your roll.
life on life’s terms has taken it’s toll.
In a small group I told my story, keeping in the details for they can be gory.
speak the truth about my feelings. Surrender, raise the flag high on the pole.
no longer will at 12 gauge travel through my soul.
came to believe in a power greater than myself, no longer do I reach for the bottom shelf.
made a decision to turn over my will
Easing my heart and allowing my mind to be still.
In all the pain I took my inventory starting a new chapter to this life story.

THANK YOU TRR. Your work is amazing and truly life saving.

5 yellow stars


I participated in the warrior camp at a very trying time of my life . The resources put at my disposal were very advanced and effective. Each day great progress was made by the whole crew and the energy and encouragement carried us through many months after. The resources recommended in my hometown also proved pivotally beneficial. I found the project very carefully calibrated to the veteran’s unique needs and sensibilities. Bravo to Eva Usady and her crackerjack crew.

5 yellow stars


I am the wife of a brave Warrior that recently completed TRR. He has learned so much and I am so thankful for this program. Certainly there is plenty of work yet to do, but I feel he’s been given more tools through this program than any other program he’s been through previously. We are both excited and hopeful for the future!

5 yellow stars


Volunteered after attending as a participant. Wanted to give back after recieving so much. Combat is a whole body, whole person experience that can only be processed through a whole body, whole person approach. If you need help, this is a great place to find it

5 yellow stars


Providing volunteer clinical services to the TRR Warriors and witnessing their healing was one of the most meaningful experiences of my life. The program owes its transformative impact to living together in community with other Veterans, the immersion experience of one uninterrupted week with a singular focus on healing, the blend of five treatment modalities, and clinical and administrative staff devoted to full, respectful, and caring communication, support, and service to the Warriors. What did I witness during my time in the program? The Courage to step into the unknown and face the unspeakable. The capacity to Trust. Extraordinary healing. The Renewal of Hope. Resiliency and Awe. Transformation. A newfound sense of Purpose. Gratitude. To varying degrees, in everyone. Thank you, Eva, for your vision and dedication, and for the privilege of serving the Warriors. -MBloch, EMDR Therapist

5 yellow stars


I am a combat vet and very appreciative of all the wonderful care and mental health services trr has donated there time to me. I no longer feel suicidal thank you

James Vanreusel is the founder and CEO of Vanreusel Ventures, with 22 years of global financial experience. His background includes helping new companies grow and scale, creating a framework for financial success, and acting as a CFO for emerging organizations as they build a solid business foundation.

He began consulting in 2008, specializing in private equity and asset management, where he raised capital, built portfolios, and operated company models. From there, he transitioned to corporate investing. As a CFA Charterholder, he became CFO for SPBD, a microfinance network in the South Pacific. He used his global experience in finance to launch and operate multiple banks in Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, the Solomon Islands, and a holding company in Singapore. The company in Singapore saw 600% growth under his guidance.

In 2014 he founded his current business, Vanreusel Ventures, in San Francisco. At Vanreusel Ventures, he leads a team of CFO consultants and financial analysts who work with companies worldwide in profit and non-profit sectors. He manages alongside his team to help businesses through the initial stages of growth, where his strategies and support guide businesses towards success and eventual independence.

His strategy focuses on creating a framework that supports companies in their early years to go from $1 to $100 million in revenue. This process involves building scalable teams and systems that will grow along with the business. Many of his clients are global organizations where he can leverage his international experience to offer customized strategies that are also culturally relevant. Ultimately, he prepares businesses to take on their first full-time CFO.

Alex Betke is an attorney and registered lobbyist focusing his practice on Government Relations and Municipal Law, a unique combination of legal concentrations allowing him to meet clients’ needs at all levels of government and to provide innovative resolutions to a variety of legal challenges.

Alex enjoys considerable experience working with the Governor’s Office, the Legislature, state agencies, the Attorney General and the State Comptroller, along with New York’s federal government representatives. His clients range from major industry associations and fortune 500 companies to small businesses and not-for-profit organizations, with work encompassing all aspects of government relations, including legislation, procurement, appropriations and regulatory matters.

Previously, Alex was elected for eight years as the Town Supervisor of the Town of Coxsackie and served several terms as a councilman before holding that post. Based on his experience and exposure to the workings of local government, he established and grew a municipal practice, and continues to serve as general and special counsel to various municipalities.

Alex has been involved in New York State politics throughout his career, serving as an elected state committeeman for the New York State Democratic Party and working on several statewide campaigns. This experience, in addition to his professional work, contributes to and informs his approach to legal matters and increases his effectiveness in advancing client objectives.